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Saturday, August 23, 2008

Vacation's Over - Back to Work

After a week of vacation with the family it is time to get back to work to insure that Barrack Obama is not elected the 44th President of the United States. Several hours after returning home, Obama picked Delaware Senator Joseph Biden to be his running mate. Biden is as anti-gun as Obama. He admits to being the first to write an "Assault Weapons" ban.

One has to wonder what Obama's thought processes are. Most of yesterday was devoted to a little known Texas Democratic Congressman named Chet Edwards as a possible running mate for Obama. National Review's Campaign Spot did an excellent job of describing why this would have been a possibly disastrous choice for Obama.

But in the end, he picks Biden, someone who gives Obama "gravitas" on the foreign policy side of the coin but as the McCain campaign was quick to point out, said Obama was not ready to be president.

Look for more on Biden's anti-gun record in the coming days.

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