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Tuesday, June 7, 2022

VSSA Endorses State Senator Bryce Reeves for GOP 7th District Nomination

 VSSA is proud to endorse State Senator Bryce Reeves for the GOP Nomination for the 7th Congressional District.  Besides being a strong advocate for our rights in the Virginia General Assembly, Senator Reeves is a long time VSSA member.  We are proud to endorse one of our own to represent Virginia's 7th District in Congress.  It was Senator Reeves who led the effort to overturn Attorney General Mark Herring's 2015 attack on concealed carry reciprocity.  He has also voted against the extreme agenda of the gun ban lobby including voting against red flag laws that violate our due process rights, so-called "universal" background checks that would criminalize private transfers of firearms, standard capacity magazine bans, and voted against handgun rationing.  VSSA urges all gun owners in the the 7th Congressional District to vote for State Senator Bryce Reeves in the June 21 GOP Primary.  


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