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Tuesday, May 17, 2022

State Senator and VSSA Member Bryce Reeves Among Seven Candidates Running in 7th Congressional District Primary

With this past year's redistricting, the 7th Congressional District looks much different than it did the last 10 years, so much so that current 7th District Representative Abigail Spanberger does not even live in the district any longer (living in the district is not a requirement to be eligible to run).  She apparently has no intention of moving until after the election.

On the GOP side, there are seven Republicans registered in the June 21 primary seeking to challenge Spanberger later this year. The GOP candidates in the 7th are State Senator (and VSSA member) Bryce Reeves (Spotsylvania), Gary Adkins, Derrick Anderson, Gina Ciarcia, David Ross, Stafford County Board Chair Crystal Vanuch and Prince William Board Supervisor Yesli Vega.

State Senator Reeves has been a stalwart supporter of the right to keep and bear arms.  He is not just a supporter of the right, but he is a gun owner.  He is a VSSA member.  He has voted against red flag laws, so-called "universal" background checks, standard capacity magazine bans, and voted against handgun rationing.  Reeves is also a recipient of the Defender of Freedom Award from the NRA.  He also spoke at a recent VSSA Annual Meeting.

The June 21st primary is open to all voters.  Reeves has a great opportunity to defeat Spanberger.  As of now, the NRAPVF has not posted candidate ratings for the GOP candidates in this race, but we know how Reeves would vote as a congressman based on his record in the General Assembly.  VSSA members would have a fellow member in Congress if he were to win the primary and the general election.  You can find out more about Senator Reeves' campaign at

If you are going to be out of town on June 21st, you can vote early.

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