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Friday, July 9, 2021

New Book Published by VSSA Member Dennis Chapman

 A new book titled "The AR-15 Controversy: Semiautomatic Rifles and the Second Amendment" was recently published and the author, Dennis Chapman, is a VSSA member.  Dennis is an attorney and retired Army officer. He wrote this book with the express purpose of refuting and demolishing all of the arguments, misconceptions and distortions regularly raised to support banning the AR-15 Rifle.  

Taking a multidisciplinary approach, this book examines common assumptions about the capabilities, applications, utility, and lethality of semiautomatic rifles such as the AR-15. Informed by multiple domains including law, criminology, military doctrine, personal safety, and recreation, this book explores topics such as whether or not the AR-15 is, in fact, a "weapon of war"; whether such firearms are more lethal in the hands of criminals than other firearms; and the utility of the AR-15 and similar rifles in legitimate civilian shooting applications including self-defense, targeting shooting, competitive shooting, hunting, and collecting. Topics include firearms technology in the courts; the movement to ban the AR-15; military vs. civilian firearms; the emergence of semiautomatic firearms technology; the specific features of the AR-15 and other "assault-style" firearms; infantry combat and violent crime compared; and the prevalence of the AR-15 and similar firearms as civilian self-defense and sporting arms.

You can get a copy of the book at:



Barnes & Noble: 

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