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Monday, March 1, 2021

Biden's Gun Control Will Do Nothing to Prevent Mass Shootings

The Heritage Foundation's Daily Signal has this article by Armstrong Williams on Biden's assault on gun owners. In it Williams points out that Biden's wish list only punishes law abiding gun owners while doing nothing to attack the root problems that result in mass shootings.  He says if Biden really wanted to address the issues he mentioned in his remarks commemorating the anniversary of the Parkland school shooting, he would focus on mental health, especially mental health for America's youth.

While the gun ban crowd talks about restrictions on our rights, the firearms community is doing something to address what Williams says should be the focus. With initiatives like Walk the Talk America, which seeks to reduce incidents of suicide involving firearms, and Gun Owners Care, which works to prevent unauthorized access to firearms, gun owners are doing the real work of reducing the misuse of firearms.

1 comment:

Dave said...

The Democrat party won't do anything to improve mental health issues. After all, where would they get their voters?