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Wednesday, November 18, 2020

Gun Ban Groups Pushing Biden to Take "Executive Actions" on Gun Control

Bloomberg's gun ban online publication "The Trace" writes this morning that gun ban groups are urging Biden to take seven steps to enact gun control without legislative approval:

With control of the Senate hinging on the double-feature runoff in Georgia and Democrats positioned for a slim majority at best, party officials and advocates — as well as a collection of 85 gun reform organizations — are pressing the incoming Biden-Harris administration to take swift executive branch actions to curb gun violence. As my colleague Chip Brownlee breaks down, Biden does have significant power to direct agencies, launch rule-making processes, and appoint leadership around the agenda of strengthening gun restrictions and increasing resources for reducing shootings. Among the possibilities: cracking down on untraceable “ghost guns,” creating an interagency task force, banning the importation of assault weapons, and restructuring the ATF to enforce existing gun laws.
This is the second piece this week that mentions ATF's regulatory ability. Earlier this week, John Crump wrote at that during an ATF conference call, Acting Director Regina Lombardo told those on the call that the Biden transition team has reached out to the ATF to find out what the agency’s “top priorities” are.  

Also this week, Mark Oliva appeared on's Cam and Company to dicuss the possibility of a Biden backdoor gun ban.  Oliva told host Cam Edwards that there's reason to believe that Biden and his anti-gun allies are already looking at ways to do a run around Congress and the Constitution.

The idea of "Executive Actions" just stands our Constitution on it's head.  The Founders did not envision as system of government where the executive branch could create laws.  That is the purview of the legislative.  Elections indeed have consequences.

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