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Tuesday, August 6, 2019

President Trump Reiterates Support for "Red Flag" Laws

Yesterday, in his remarks on the two shootings that took place in less than 24 hours on Saturday, President Trump again came out in support of so-called "Red Flag" laws.  South Carolina U.S. Senator, Lindsey Graham later announced that he had "bi-partisan" agreement on legislation that would create a federal program to assist states in crafting such laws.  But as former NRATV host and now editor Cam Edwards noted, the red flag laws we have seen so far are just a way to take guns without due process:
Cam delved into this on his new Cam and Co. program:

No one wants an individual who is in crisis to have access to a firearm but laws that do not respect due process are riddled with opportunities for abuse.  According to Independence Institute Director of Research Dave Kopel, Vermont's law is a good model if we are going to have a law that protects public safety while respecting constitutional rights.

The gun ban lobby is already giddy that there is a "window for bipartisan action" on this piece of the gun ban agenda.  You can expect Virginia Democrats in the General Assembly to be pushing this even harder in their campaigns this fall and using President Trump's support to challenge pro-rights candidates who want constitutional protections in any such laws.  Be armed with the facts about these laws.  A good primer is Kopel's video above.  More in-depth information can be found here.

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