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Thursday, August 8, 2019

Crime Commission Will Accept Public Comment August 20.

VSSA has been informed that there will be a public comment portion as part of it's review that was referred to the Crime Commission during the Special Session.

Crime Commission members have devoted a portion of the Tuesday, August 20th meeting to allow designated representatives of organizations and interest groups to provide public comment. VSSA has signed up to speak.

Public comment will begin at approximately 1:30 p.m.

The meeting will begin at Noon in the House Committee Room of the Pocahontas Building. The building opens to the public at 9:00 a.m. and the meeting room opens at 11:00 a.m.

Each organization or interest group will have 4 minutes to provide public comment on behalf of the organization or interest group. Members of VSSA may stand and be recognized at the conclusion of VSSA's comments.

Following public comment by organizations and interest groups, there will be a separate portion of the August 20th meeting devoted to hearing comments from members of the general public. The sign up procedures for members of the general public will be announced separately.  VSSA will pass those along when we have them. 

Please plan to attend the meeting if possible.  We need as many gun owners as possible to pack the room.  You can bet the other side will do the same.

Meeting room rules:

Possession or use of any device that may disrupt the conduct of business is prohibited, including but not limited to: voice-amplification equipment; bullhorns; blow horns; sirens, or other noise-producing devices; as well as signs on sticks, poles or stakes; or helium-filled balloons. 

Campaign signs, banners, posters and other materials advocating the election or defeat of any candidate for public office may NOT be displayed at any time in any public space in the Capitol or Pocahontas Building. In addition, signs may not be displayed in a manner that blocks the view of others, encroaches on aisles, or impedes the safe movement of visitors. The Capitol Police have final authority in any issue related to public safety in the Capitol complex. 

Unruly behavior, such as booing, yelling, or harassing remarks, is prohibited. The Chair of the Crime Commission has the authority to remove individuals from the room or to clear the room.

The capacity of the meeting room is 180. You are not guaranteed re-entry into the meeting room if you exit the room at any time for any reason.

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