The Everytown for Gun Safety Action Fund, the political arm of Mr. Bloomberg’s gun control organization, said this week that it would invest at least $2.5 million in Virginia before Election Day — more than it spent in either of the last two legislative elections there. The group polled 14 legislative districts this week to determine how it will allocate its funds.
“Virginia is a bellwether state and we are going to be there,” said John Feinblatt, Everytown’s president. “There is no doubt this is a test. This is the next theater for what’s going to happen everywhere in 2020.”
That isn't the worst of it though. The story starts off by talking about a Democrat candidate, a veteran of the war in Afghanistan running against pro-gun GOP Delegate Tim Hugo. He told the Times that what he hears from people as he goes door to door is they want somebody to "do something" about the mass shootings. The propensity for people to want "something done" no matter whether it would have prevented the killings, says a lot about our society today. And it is this type of action that is being pushed by the media and the gun ban lobby. It has gotten so bad that the up to now stalwart Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell suggested yesterday that the Senate could look at a so-called "assault weapons" ban, background checks, and a red flag law. As Gun Talk Radio host Tom Gresham said in a Twitter post, that would turn the Senate and the White House over to the gun ban lobby as gun owners turn their backs on Republicans and President Trump.
This would be suicide for the Republican party. Trump would lose. Dems would gain control of both houses. Gun owners would turn their backs on those who voted for a ban on the most popular rifles in America. If this included confiscation, there would be widespread noncompliance— Tom Gresham (@Guntalk) August 9, 2019
There is not a single one of the gun ban lobby's agenda that would have stopped last weekend's shootings. Rifles of all kinds make up a very small percentage (less than 3%) of firearm related deaths. So-called assault weapons make up even less. More people are stabbed to death every year than are murdered with rifles.
We are in a real fight this year. We need to get active in House and Senate General Assembly campaigns now.
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