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Thursday, August 11, 2016

Olympic Shooting Sports Update

Courtesy USA Shooting
Anyone paying attention on Saturday knows that the first Gold Medal awarded at the 2016 Rio Games was to a young fresh faced teenager from northern Virginia named Ginny Thrasher.  Dan Patrick had a great interview with Thrasher after her win and at no time did he bring up the subject of crimes committed with guns in the US, it was all about Thrasher's unexpected win.  The shooting sports received great coverage due to Thrasher's win.

On Sunday, trap shooter Corey Cogdell-Unrein earned a Bronze Medal.  In a tweet on Sunday, The Chicago Tribune referred to her not by name but as "Wife of a Bears' lineman wins a bronze medal today in Rio Olympics ".  Being the great person she is, Cogdell-Unrein handled it all in stride.

So far they are the only two medals awarded to Team USA shooters.  This morning, Thrasher missed making the finals of the 50M Three Position due to a costly 8 on her second to last shot.  Still, a Gold Medal and finishing 11th in Three Position isn't bad for a first time Olympian.  All eyes now turn to Friday's Skeet competition where 6 time Olympian Kim Rhode is going for her sixth consecutive medal.

This week on, host Cam Edwards had the opportunity to speak with Corey Cogdell-Unrein about her experience and her return to the Olympics.
Cam followed that up with an interview of Kevin Neuendorf, director of Media and Public Relations for USA Shooting. He provided a recap of Team USA’s 2016 Olympic shooting competitions and noted the sport is getting more attention than ever.

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