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Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Gun Owners Speak Out Against McAuliffe State Building Gun Ban

The Virginia Department of General Services held a public hearing today on making Governor Terry McAuliffe's Executive Order banning concealed carry in state owned buildings permanent.  According to the Associated Press, gun owners turned out to make their voice heard against a permanent ban:
“Gun-free zones are a magnet to people who want to do harm; they are a magnet to terrorists,” said Vicki Lindsey from Chesterfield, echoing similar comments made by several other advocates.
McAuliffe issued the emergency executive order last year without any proof that gun owners carrying concealed in state buildings had ever been a threat to state employees or the public doing business in the buildings.

If you were unable to attend the hearing, you can make your voice heard by submitting written comments on the Virginia Town Hall regulatory website at The full text of the proposed regulation can also be found at that link.

Update: The Richmond Times Dispatch article on the hearing can be found here.

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