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Thursday, June 30, 2016

Volunteers Needed for NRA-ILA Table at Richmond Gun Show July 9-10

Without the hard work of dedicated gun owners, we would not have made the gains we have legislatively over the years.  In fact, without some very dedicated volunteers doing things like working gun show tables and other campaign activities, our rights would likely have been eliminated years ago.

This year we are going to need that support and hard work more than ever. We are facing the biggest threat to our rights that we have seen in years, eclipsing even the threat after the tragic events of the Sandy Hook school shooting in 2012.  Whether we win or see anti-gun politicians advance their agenda significantly all depends on the outcome of the election this November. That is why we need  gun owners to answer the call and become activists today.

With that in mind, NRA-ILA will have a table at the Richmond gun show on July 9th and 10th at the Richmond Raceway.  They are looking for people across the Richmond area who want to get active and support their Second Amendment Rights! Defend your gun rights by educating voters about the importance of this election, and meeting with other local activists. 

WHEN:July 9th, 2016 9:00am - 5:00pm
July 10th, 2016, 10:00am - 5:00pm
WHERE:Richmond Raceway Complex
600 E Laburnum Ave
Richmond, VA 23222

If you can lend a hand for an hour or two, please contact:

Alan L. Penn
NRA-ILA Election Volunteer Coordinator
(Cell) 804-489-3775

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