Reeves, a Spotsylvania small businessman, former Army Ranger and former Prince William County narcotics detective, plans to announce his bid early Monday evening at the Virginia War Memorial, with several members of the legislature by his side.Reeves becomes the second GOP State Senator to announce a run for Lt. Governor. Over the weekend, State Senator Jill Vogel told the Post she planned to run as well.
“Virginia deserves strong conservative leadership, and I plan to continue to bring just that to Richmond,” said Reeves, 49, in a statement. “I have proudly fought for all Virginians during my time in the Senate, whether it meant protecting their 2nd Amendment rights, standing up for the rights and proper treatment of our veterans and military families, or simply working to lower taxes and provide economic opportunity for everyday Virginians.”
While Vogel has a pro-rights voting record, Reeves will likely garner a lot of support for his role in brokering the deal, resulting in the bills to be signed a couple weeks ahead of the end of the General Assembly session. The nomination will be decided at a party convention in June of 2017.
1 comment:
Vogel, I'm afraid, has shown her RINO side of the political spectrum especially most recently. We need a true conservative.
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