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Monday, December 7, 2015

McAuliffe Reacts Negatively to Liberty University President's Comments on Campus Carry

Jerry Falwell Jr., the President of Liberty University, made comments Friday that included advising Liberty students to arm themselves.  The comments brought a strong rebuke from Governor Terry McAuliffe. Focusing on Falwell's comments about "lets teach them a lesson if they show up here" which McAuliffe took as targeting Muslims, he responded:
"My administration is committed to making Virginia an open and welcoming Commonwealth, while also ensuring the safety of all of our citizens," McAuliffe said in a statement issued late Saturday. "Mr. Falwell's rash and repugnant comments detract from both of those crucial goals."
Falwell is focused on the safety of his students, to the point that he has arranged for free concealed handgun permit courses for students:
"I just want to take this opportunity to encourage all of you to get your permit. We offer a free course and lets teach them a lesson if they ever show up here," said Falwell.
Additionally, WDBJ 7 reported that Since Falwell's comments, a range in Lynchburg has seen a 20 percent increase in sign-ups for concealed-carry permit classes. 


Ronportsmouth said...

This Governor is nothing but a M. Bloomberg New York transplant and all those transplants in Northern Va. voted this worm in office. If you consider all the mouth pieces for M. Bloomberg in Legislation for the Democrats are all from the North. McAuliffe, Kaine, Warner, and The State Attorney General, Herring. They are all doing the work for the Bloomberg machine to disarm American Citizens. 2nd Amendment be Damned.

DB Hall said...

"My administration is committed to making Virginia an open and welcoming Commonwealth, while also ensuring the safety of all of our citizens," The governor is a lying sack of sh!t!!!! By executive fiat he just created a whole bunch of new "Gun Free Zones" also known as Target Rich Environments in state offices, giving criminals and nuts even more defenseless victims. All he wants to do is follow in the footsteps of his idols, obuma, clinton and bloomberg. Falwell is right, get a CCW permit and carry everywhere you legally can, then if God forbid you end up where one of these "mass shootings" starts you will have a chance to defend yourself and your fellow citizens.