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Wednesday, October 28, 2015

A Knock on the Door From a Pro-gun Volunteer Could Make the Difference in the 10th District

NRA Board Members Tim Knight and Sean Maloney are traveling Virginia, talking one-on-one with voters about next week's elections and working to turn out the pro-rights vote in Virginia's 10th State Senate District. They stopped by the Farmville studio of NRANews and told Cam Edwards that many voters they speak with are aware of Michael Bloomberg's anti-gun spending in the state.  While not discounting the affect that such a large dump of money can have, they told Cam that  nothing replaces the personal engagement of knocking on doors.
If you live near the Richmond area, and can spare some time between now and November 3rd, please contact Tim Lagerman by email at or by phone at 570-898-3160.

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