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Thursday, August 20, 2015

Bloombergs Billions vs Our Grassroots

Sebastian makes a great point over on Shall Not Be Questioned talking about the gobs of money that Bloomberg is spending and how it likely tilted Oregon in his favor in this year's legislature:
Bloomberg’s anti-gun movement has been frustrated in many states, except Oregon has recently tilted in his favor. It should be no surprise, then, that Everytown outspend pro-gun rights groups 10 to 1 there too. The other side wants to talk about the well-funded “gun lobby,” but reality is that Bloomberg can outspend us election after election if he really wants to, and money talks. If we don’t match Bloomberg’s cash with real and sustained grassroots energy, he will end up being able to successfully buy legislation, as he succeeded doing in Oregon.

Will he get involved in the handful of state senate races in Virginia this year to try and get a victory here?  We have the opportunity to match his money with grassroots activity.  NRA-ILA has Campaign Field Reps in the handful of competitive senate districts this year.  Please consider contacting them and volunteer to help the pro-rights candidate in your area.  Our grassroots can beat Bloomberg's money.

Virginia Beach
Talmadge East

Michael Rubino

Northern Virginia
Hunter VanDusen

Northern Virginia
Thomas Bingham

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