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Thursday, February 7, 2013

Cuccinelli Is Not the Only Candidate for Governor Who Has Written A Book

While the media is all a twitter about Attorney Ken Cuccinelli's new book and how Democrats are salivating to use it against him, Virginia's other candidate for Governor also has a book that will open some eyes.  This from National Review's Jim Geraghty:
It’s time for this commonwealth to have a governor who has had a wacky caricature of himself framed upon the wall at The Palm since 1980, marking his influence and stature among the lobbyists and power brokers who meet for steaks and martinis. It’s time for a governor who has spent his adult life rubbing shoulders with the powerful at Pamela Harriman’s house in Georgetown, and who has a regular table at Café Milano. It’s time for a governor who can tell the best stories about Walter Mondale and about the hookers at Walter Shorenstein’s mansion in the Santa Cruz Mountains.
This should be an interesting election year.

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