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Tuesday, May 20, 2008

NRA Annual Meeting a Great Success

The Louisville Annual Meeting had to be one of the biggest events that I have attended. There were people everywhere. During the Celebration of American Values Forum, a number of the speakers unloaded on Barrack Obama and warned of what will happen to our rights if he is elected. At the same time, the Republican National Committee released a new video on You Tube highlighting some of Obama's past gun control positions. You can see it below.

I had the opportunity to take my daughter with me and she had a blast. NRA Annual Meetings are so family friendly and you meet some of the nicest people. The highlight of her trip was meeting Eddie Eagle.

The Eddie Eagle Program is celebrating its 20th Anniversary this year. Look for a complete wrap up about the NRA Annual Meeting in the next issue of The Bullet. Don't get The Bullet? Join VSSA and get your own copy of the official publication of VSSA six times a year.

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