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Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Gun Show to Draw Protests

If you are planning to attend the Dixie Classic Gun and Knife Trader's Show and Sale (C and E Gun Shows) in Richmond at the Showplace October 20th (Saturday) you may have to walk around or over a few bodies to get in the door. The Million Mom March/Brady Campaign is planning to conduct its signature "lie-in" at noon near the building.

These protesters will be women wearing black and they plan to lie down for two minutes to represent the amount of time it took the Virginia Tech shooter to get his guns. Never mind that it actually took him thirty days if you count the time required to wait between purchases of the two hand guns.

Why they feel the need to protest a gun show to bring attention to the act of a deranged individual is still a mystery to me. Cho did not buy his guns at a gun show. But, that is a fact that is also lost on Governor Tim Kaine's Virginia Tech Review Panel as they recommended requiring background checks on private sales (closing the so-called "gun show loophole").

This is always a very popular gun show and I hope all gun owners will pack the show on Saturday before or at noon to show your support for the right to keep and bear arms. The Showplace is located at 3000 Mechanicsville Turnpike. The show is open from 9 to 5 on Saturday and 9 to 4 on Sunday.

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