Friday, February 2, 2024

Legislative Update for February 2, 20024

Gun Owners continuted to take a beating in both Senate Courts of Justice and House Public Safety this week as well as on the floor of both houses of the legislature.  There was a small piece of good news in House public safety this morning when a bill that would have imposed an additional 5% excise tax on the purchase of firearms and ammunitition (HB1181) was rolled in to another bill (HB602).  This process eliminated the excise tax funding mechanism that was in HB1181.  The overall bill still creates a Virginia Center for Firearm Violence Intervention and Prevention, but the tax on gun owners is elimated, for now. Another very bad gun ban bill, HB1424, a bill creating a requirement to get a  "permit to puchase" from the State Police before you could purchase a firearm, was carried over to next year for further study.  Carrying a bil over usually is a way to "soft kill" the bill but there should be no illusion that they won't look favorably on this bill and advance it in next year's session.  At least for now this bill will not go any further.  You can find the full committee report from today's House Public Safety Committee by clicking here.

The following bills passed the House this week and are now headed to the State Senate:

HB 2 -  Assault firearms and certain ammunition, etc.; purchase, sale, transfer, etc., prohibited.
HB 173 - Plastic firearms and unfinished frames, etc.; manufacture, import, etc. prohibited, penalties. (Republican Carrie Coyner joined Democrats to help pass this bill)
HB 454 - Firearm/explosive material; carrying w/in Capitol Square or bldg. owned or leased by Commonwealth. (Republican Carrie Coyner joined Democrats to help pass this bill)
HB 158 - Firearm locking device; required for sale or transfer of firearm.
HB 183 - Firearms; storage in residence where minor or person prohibited from possessing is present, penalty.

In the Senate It was much the same story.  A number of bills were heard in committee on Monday and again on Wednesday.  Bills that pass the full Senate this week and headed to the House are:

SB 338 Gun violence; JLARC to study effects on communities.
SB 368 Firearms; storage in residence where minor or person prohibited from possessing is present, penalty.

A number of bills were reported out of Courts of Justice on Monday and again on Wednesday.  Most had to be referred to Appropriations after their Courts hearing due to the possibility of a fiscal impact from increased criminal penalties.  Those bills are:
SB 44 Owner of firearm; use of firearm by minor in an unlawful manner or to cause bodily injury.
SB 57 Carrying a concealed handgun onto the premises of any restaurant; penalty (this bill repeals the ability to carry in resturants like Applebee's and Olive Garden that serve alcohol as well as food)
SB 258 Substantial risk orders; substantial risk factors and considerations (this bill makes changes to Virginia Red Flag law by expanding the items a judge may consider to issue a red flag order)
SB 327 Purchase of firearms; age requirement; penalty. This bill raises the age to purchase a firearm from 18 to 21.
SB 515 Weapons; possession or transportation; facility that provides mental health services or developmental services; penalty.
SB 383 Carrying a firearm or explosive material within Capitol Square or building owned or leased by the Commonwealth; exemptions; public institutions of higher education; penalty.
SB 491 Firearm industry members; standards of responsible conduct; civil liability. This bill creates standards of responsible conduct for firearm industry members and requires the industry to establish and implement controls regarding the manufacture, sale, distribution, use, and marketing of the firearm-related products among other things.

Please contact your State Senator and urge the to oppose the above bills.  Even if your Senator is anti-rights, they need to hear from you.

1 comment:

  1. The laws are being passed by representatives who insist on remaining willfully ignorant of what's what in the world of firearms. They also fail to recognize that differentiation is indicated between the different areas of VA (rural SW vs. Richmond or Beltway, for example) and so not everyone thinks like they think. While I am satisfied with the representatives of my district, I did not vote for these idiots inside the beltway or around Richmond.

    And years from now, after leadership is forced to confront that their great gun laws of 2024 did not change the human nature to commit violence, I'm sure they'll be scratching their heads to come up with a whole host of great new laws that will change the human nature to commit violence. (NOT.) To quote Archie Bunker as he delivered his views on gun control, "Would you feel better, little goil, if they was pushed out of winders?"
