Thursday, February 27, 2014

Hero's Like You Can Help Hero's Like These

Sixteen years ago, VSSA started what has become the longest running clay target charity event in the country,  VSSA's Crush'n Clays.  Since that first event, VSSA has raised over $281,000 to help support the St. Jude Children's Research Hospital, the largest pediatric research facility in America established solely for the study of childhood cancer and other catastrophic diseases including pediatric AIDS and sickle cell anemia.  This year's event is scheduled for June 14th and will again be heldat the Arlington Fairfax IWLA.  You can register to shoot in this event, become a sponsor of the event, or if you can't attend this year, make a donation by clicking here.

Why is this such a special event, please read the note below from the event's founder, Steve Canale.

A special message from VSSA's Crush'n Clays founder, and former VSSA President, Steve Canale:
Hero's Like You Can Help Hero's Like These
Pediatric medical centers, like St. Jude Children's Research Hospital work miracles. If you've ever lived it, you'd know. Though not a St. Jude's patient, several years ago, I introduced you to Finn. Finn has a serious congenital heart defect, severe aortic stenosis. Because of the wonderful doctors at Children's National Medical Center in Washington, DC., he is now a thriving 2 year old. But now, Finn needs a mitral 
heart valve replacement. His heart is so enlarged that they'll may need to replace it with an adult size, artificial heart valve.

Finn doesn't know he is sick, at home, he smiles, loves attention, wants to be tickled, and chases the dogs around the house. “Believe” is the motto of Children's National Medical Center.

Finn is also part of the of the Arlington-Fairfax IWLA family. His father, Ian Gillespie and his grandfather, Dan Gillespie are IWLA members who compete in the Winter Shotgun League and are regulars at Crush'n Clays.

Finn is also my grandson. Every Crush'n Clays event is, now, more meaningful.

We hope you can join us for this fun and special event.  Below is a little more about the event and what has been accomplished in the first 15 years of the event.

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