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Wednesday, August 8, 2012

NCPA: Banning Traditional Ammunition Harms Wildlife

new report from the National Center for Policy Analysis (NCPA) states that the use of lead ammunition poses a minimal risk to wildlife, while a lead ammunition ban would positively harm wildlife.
"The EPA is not allowed by congress to regulate or ban lead ammunition," said NCPA Senior Fellow Sterling Burnett. "However, even if it were, there is little evidence supporting the claim that lead ammunition poses a significant harm to animals and humans."
NCPA also notes that banning lead ammunition would raise the cost of hunting.
Ninety-five percent of ammunition made in the United States contains lead, according to the National Shooting Sports Foundation, the firearms industry’s leading trade association. Ammunition made with nonlead materials, such as copper, is often twice as expensive as lead ammunition. If the use of lead bullets or shot were banned or limited, hunters would face significantly increased costs. Rising costs are a significant factor in the decline of hunting over the past 20 years, and higher priced ammunition could exacerbate that decline. This would result in a decrease in revenue for state and federal wildlife agencies that depend upon excise taxes on ammunition and the sale of licenses for funding and wildlife conservation. For instance, hunting and sporting excise taxes cover about three-fourths of the cost of wildlife and fish restoration projectsnotes that lead ammunition sales also fund wildlife conservation. Lead ammunition is much less expense than other forms of ammo and banning.
As with most schemes by the antis, banning traditional ammunition is more about reducing the number of hunters and gun owners than protecting wildlife.  By raising the costs to engage in the shooting sports or own firearms, fewer people can afford to purchase both.  With anti-rights legislators using the latest mass shooting as a means to push limiting ammo sales, gun owners need to remain vigilant and be active in this very important campaign season to ensure candidates who support our rights are elected.

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