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Thursday, October 10, 2013

CSGV Weighs in on Virginia's Governor Race

I just opened an email from Josh Horwitz of the Coalition to Stop Gun Violence asking me to sign a petition telling Ken Cuccinelli to release a copy of the candidate questionnaire he completed for another Virginia pro-rights organization.
Ken Cuccinelli wants to be governor of Virginia, but he refuses to reveal his positions on gun laws and public safety. That's why we're partnering with ProgressVA to demand Cuccinelli tell Virginia where he stands on public safety.
I don't however know what Horwitz is trying to accomplish other than raise money because the group he targets in his email is famous for releasing the results of their candidate questionnaires before the election. Also, anyone who has paid attention for the last seven years knows where Attorney General Cuccinelli stands on the right to keep and bear arms.  It's just one more example of CSGV attempting to be relevant, and once again they have failed. So Josh, be patient.  You'll get to see the questionnaire you are looking for soon enough, and it won't have anything to do with your petition.

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