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Friday, October 4, 2013

Can Cuccinelli Win?

According to a new Hampton University Poll and former Wilder Chief of Staff and Democratic Stratigist Paul Goldman, only if he makes a mid course correction with a month left in the campaign:
Their numbers show us seven KEYS to the current state of the race.
They also show that while Cuccinelli seems to have a chance in terms of common sense – there are still enough voters undecided – there is a very slim if any statistical chance.
He appears to need to get 2/3 of the undecided vote, these Virginians concentrated in a few larger metro areas as is typical in a VA GUV race.
But as will be clear shortly, without a mid-course correction of the AG’s strategy by his top strategy guy Chris LaCivita – there is not mathematical reason to think Cuccinelli can win.
What is that correction?  In the final month, he needs to find a positive message of why Virginia voters should vote for him, and just a message of vote against Terry McAuliffe.  It's a truism in politics that you have to give voters a reason to vote for you.  So far, it would seem Cuccinelli hasn't done that.  There is still time left to do so.  The question is, will he?

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