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Thursday, May 2, 2013

NRA Message in Houston: Fight is Not Over

The theme of the speeches that members will hear over the course of the weekend in Houston is "The Fight is Not Over."  This from the Houston Chronicle:
"The NRA doesn't do pep rallies," said Andrew Arulan­andam, the NRA's director of public affairs. "We're engaged in a long battle that will take years. We know it's not over."
And that is an important message.  The gun ban lobby hasn't stopped pushing their agenda.  West Virginia Senator Joe Manchin is still shopping around his attempts to criminalize private transfers.  April 17th (the day the background check and other anti-rights amendments were defeated) was just the first round.  The most important thing is to keep gun owners as engaged as they were in the last 60 days.   This weekend will be a big part of making sure that happens.

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