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Thursday, October 29, 2009

Desparate Shannon Uses VCPS Talking Points Against Cuccinelli

The Washington Times editorializes today that Democratic Attorney General Candidate Steve Shannon is using terms similar to those used last week by the Virginia Center for Public Safety to charge that State Senator Ken Cuccinelli wants to arm violent felons.

In the race to become the commonwealth's next attorney general, state Delegate Stephen Shannon is trying to tar his opponent, state Sen. Ken Cuccinelli, for purportedly giving guns to convicted felons. Mr. Shannon is sending around literature with a scary picture of a violent criminal claiming: "FACT: Ken Cuccinelli, candidate for attorney general, voted to allow violent felons to purchase guns in Virginia."
This of course is a reference to Senator Cuccinelli's vote against the anti-rights gang's numerous attempts to shut down gun shows in the Commonwealth using the phony "gun show loophole" as their clarion call. Clearly Shannon's attacks on Senator Cuccinelli are false.

The Times editorial makes an excellent point when it says Mr. Shannon's policies would disarm law-abiding Virginians and increase crime. And as the Times concludes, that's the real issue for Virginians who care about their personal safety.

Sources have shared with this writer that internal polling is showing Shannon's negative attacks may not be having the desired impact and may actually have caused his own negatives to go up. In these final days, lets all do our part to insure that Senator Ken Cuccinelli wins and wins big next Tuesday.

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