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Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Dan Casey and Tonight's Gubernatorial Debate

Tonight, Roanoke College's Olin Hall will host the final scheduled debate for this year's gubernatorial election. Roanoke Times columnist Dan Casey has suggested some questions for the event. Remember, Mr. Casey is the columnist who has made a big deal out of the new law that clarifies that the safety training required to apply for a concealed carry permit can be conducted online or through some other electronic means. I'm beginning to think that Mr. Casey is obsessed with the law. Casey poses this query in his hypothetical debate questions:

Mr. Deeds, in the 2009 session you voted for an idiotic bill that defined anyone who had passed a one-hour streaming video "course" as competent enough with a gun to qualify for a Virginia concealed handgun permit --even if they had never touched a handgun.

I know this is true because I took that course and had never touched a handgun before the state issued me my permit.

The question is, do you regret supporting this dumb bill?

Follow-up: Would you support its repeal?
But Casey does not limit his gun related questions to the concealed carry permit safety training. His next question finally confirms what I have believed since reading his first column - that is less than pro-rights:

Messrs. Deeds and McDonnell, each of you has said that if elected, you would sign legislation allowing concealed-carry permit holders to take their hidden weapons into establishments that serve alcohol, provided those gun-packers don't imbibe.

A recent poll conducted by Christopher Newport University found nearly two-thirds of the commonwealth's likely voters are opposed to legalizing concealed weapons in bars.

Please explain why you're in favor of legislation opposed by nearly two-thirds of this state's voters.

Follow-up: Please explain to us how more guns in bars makes everyone safer.

Second follow-up: Are both of you insane?

I think Mr. Casey has finally shown his true colors.

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