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Friday, August 7, 2009

New Jersey Handgun Rationing Law Signed

Governor Jon Corzine signed a handgun rationing bill into law this week in New Jersey. This is a state that already requires a permit to purchase a firearm and from what I understand, it takes weeks for a permit to be approved. So, one might ask, just what is the purpose of a handgun rationing bill if it already can take weeks to complete a purchase. Well, Cam Edwards had Second Amendment attorney Evan Nappen on earlier this week and he shed little light on what the true goal of the bill likely was - to dry up the supply of firearms.

You see, the NJ bill was not a simple law like Virginia's handgun rationing law. While I don't like Virginia's law and hope the next Governor will be successful in finally repealing it, Virginia's law simply states that an individual could not (with some exceptions) purchase more than one handgun in a 30 day period. In 2004, concealed handgun permit holders were exempted from the rationing law.

New Jersey's law, according to Nappen, does not include language to specifically exempt dealers from the law. Take a listen to Nappen from his appearance on NRANews a couple of weeks ago and you quickly learn what this bill will mean for New Jersey gun owners and gun dealers. The video from this week is not yet available for sharing at the NRANews web site but the clip below has much of the same information that was discussed Wednesday night on the program.

Every time I hear Cam talk to someone from New Jersey I thank God that I live in Virginia.

1 comment:

Bill said...

Being a NJ native and having lived there for the first 35 years of my life before finally escaping and breathing the fresh air of Virginia, I wholeheartedly agree. Nearly the entire state is dysfunctional, having been overrun by hand-wringing, gun-fearing liberals. I acquired my first handgun while living there, and yes indeed, you have to be fingerprinted, go through a State Police background check and wait for the permit, which is good for only 30 days. How long it takes to get it depends on your local police and the chief's proclivities. Yeah, arbitrary and capricious are both key words of the day. I was extremely fortunate - my permit came back in less than 24 hours, which is highly unusual. Virginia is better - in many ways besides firearm ownership.